Tasty Tuesday - Strategies for Success During the Holiday Season: Practical Tips

In last week’s “Tasty Tuesday” post we discussed how focusing on our mindset can help us keep our nutrition on track during the holiday season. This week, we are going to discuss some practical tips to help us eat with intention and in alignment with our nutrition goals (while still enjoying that pumpkin pie and stuffing).


1) Plan ahead: on the days leading up to an event, make sure your meals are somewhat planned out and try to stick to your regular workout routine and schedule. On the day of the event, make sure your breakfast and lunch are nutritionally balanced (aim for meals high in fiber and protein). Try to get a workout in early. It has been shown that exercising earlier on not only boosts our metabolism but can help make us make better food choices throughout the remainder of the day.

2) Don't skip meals: skipping a meal with the goal of saving calories prior to a holiday event can often backfire and we end up so hungry we binge and/ or don't make thoughtful food choices.  

3) Set yourself up for success: if you are asked to bring a dish to an event, bring something that is nutritionally balanced so you know you will have at least one healthy option.

4) Choose drinks wisely: most celebratory drinks and alcoholic beverages have tons of added sugar (especially cocktails). Be mindful of the liquid sugar you are consuming and aim to have at least one full glass of water with each non-water drink.

5) Balance your plate: the goal is to incorporate protein, carbs, vegetables, and fats within each meal. Carbs are often the easy part to eat for most of us, but focusing on protein and vegetables will leave you feeling more satisfied and help avoid overeating.

6) Be mindful of portions: it’s easy to overfill our plate when there seems to be a never-ending amount of food. Start with a smaller amount on the plate and pay attention to fullness cues before we go back for seconds.

7) Eat slowly: it’s easy to eat too quickly when we are excited about all of the delicious food on our plate.

8) Eat mindfully: listen to hunger cues and eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

9) Hand out leftovers: if you are hosting an event, prepare in advance to send guests home with plates of leftovers so your fridge isn’t filled to the brim with indulgent foods (but also save enough to enjoy that leftover turkey sandwich the next day!)

10) Enjoy yourself and don’t obsess or stress over food! One piece of pie isn't going to ruin your progress. Remember, results come from consistency, not perfection.

 Happy Thanksgiving!


Tasty Tuesday - Intuitive Eating: A natural yet revolutionary idea


Tasty Tuesday - Strategies for Success During the Holidays: Mindset