Tasty Tuesdays - Goal Setting

This week for our Tasty Tuesday, we are talking about Goal Setting. Setting goals in your nutrition assures that you will see your progress, tangibly. When you decide to become a healthier version of yourself, it’s easy to only see what’s at the end of the road, and it can be frustrating when the results come slowly, if at all! This is where Goal Setting comes in.


One of the most common ways to set goals is by using the SMART goal method. You may have heard of this method, but putting it into practice might be another story entirely. The idea behind SMART Goals is this: We all start with somewhat lofty goals like “I want to lose 30 pounds” or “I want to eat better.” These statements are more like intentions; however, goals can be made from them. Here’s how -

Your goals should be:

Specific: Specific goals give you exactly what you are wanting your new habit to be. Example: I want to eat better → I will fill my plate with primarily non-starchy vegetables and fruits at each meal. 

Measurable: Measurable goals keep you accountable and help you monitor the actual progress you’ve made. Example: I want to lose weight → I will change xyz habits for 30 days and reassess to see if these habits help me lose weight. 

Attainable: Whether it’s the tools, finances, or the goals themselves, it can be easy to want things out of reach. Choose goals that you will accomplish and use that motivation to stay on track! Example: I want to lose 30 pounds → I will lose 2-5 pounds in the next two weeks and reassess my goals after this time period to see if I can sustain this weight loss. 

Reasonable: Setting goals that are unrealistic will more often than not create further setbacks than real, life-long change. Example: I will not have any snacks or desserts ever again → I will not eat snacks and desserts after 10pm. 

Setting these types of SMART goals can feel daunting, but it’s important to remember the mindset you have about these goals will change how you view the end results. Keeping a growth mindset, and learning from the goals you make will bring a lifelong change and in turn, bring you closer to your health and nutrition goals. 

If you have any questions about SMART goals and how you can implement them into your life, use the link below to schedule a session with me.

Book a Nutrition Session with Alexis


Tasty Tuesdays - Timing Your Nutrition


Tasty Tuesdays - Mindset