Tasty Tuesdays - Water


Today’s Tasty Tuesday is on Water. There is no disputing that water is necessary for us to live. But it can be so difficult for us to know how much, or even why, water is important for our bodies.

Here are a few reasons and the direct effects water has on us - 

  • More energy, less fatigue. Dehydration directly creates a negative effect on almost every organ in the body. This immediate impact means that the more water you drink, the easier it is to function well in any capacity, especially when it comes to everyday needs such as the ability to think, focus, and concentrate well. This includes the energy needed for your workouts!

  • Aids digestion. Even if you are eating the right foods, your digestion may be inhibited if you are not drinking enough water. Water helps break down the food and fully process the nutrients from your meals. 

  • Flushes out toxins. Your body uses essential organs - like the liver, kidneys, and lungs - to detox. These organs heavily depend on water to replenish the body after releasing the toxins. Water allows the toxins to fully leave your body and continue health for these vital organs. Added bonus, it keeps your skin glowing and healthy!

  • Fights sickness, increases overall health. Water turns the nutritious food you eat into essential nutrients and minerals. Your body moves these essential nutrients and minerals throughout your body with water. More water regulates your kidneys, boosts your immune system, creates flexibility in your joints, releases tension in headaches, and improves circulation! All these functions keep your body healthy and fight off illness. 

  • Improves mood. When your body doesn’t receive enough water, there are direct correlations to cognitive problems, negative mood, and increased anger. Water can remove the stress dehydration causes on the brain and ensures your organs are functioning at their best, which is a deal breaker in whether you have energy or not!

We can know information like this, but that doesn’t always make it easier to know how to do this practically. With this in mind, these suggestions can help you include more water into your everyday life:

  1. Drink water with every snack and meal. It doesn’t have to be a lot, just something!

  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The high water content in these foods will contribute to your hydration. 

  3. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. At home, at work, in the car, at the gym. Everywhere.

  4. Drink water before you choose another type of beverage, whatever that beverage may be.

You are always welcome to reach out to me with any questions you may have, I would love to help you make your nutrition goals a reality, even when it comes to water!

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Tasty Tuesdays - Breakfast